Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Graffiti writer left with severe burns after climbing on to rail tracks and urinating on transformer

An Australian learned the hard way not to urinate on a transformer when he was electrocuted

and almost died. The unnamed man, a Gold Coast graffiti vandal, ended up with severe burns on

almost half his body after he and three associates snuck into the Coomera railroad power way.

At some point he recieved a potentially lethal schock of 22,000 volts that has left him

hospitalised for the foreseeable future. Ignoring signs reading "Danger- High Voltage", the

vandals cut through wire fences and scaled the transformer in the rain around midnight. While

he was horribly injured, the current may have partially bypassed his body due to his rain-

soaked clothes, The Courier-Mail reports. His companions told the ambulance workers the man

was injured when he urinated on the tranformer. But police believe the urination story is a

coverup for the true intentions - graffiti. They believe he snuck into the power station with the

intent to tag it with the word "Wino".

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