Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Making The Impossible Look Easy

Posted on the image is one of my closest friends from high school, Branden Gonzalez aka Phraze. This high quality, eye-catching image was captured by his sister, who is not a professional photographer, of a flier to his first performance at Static Lounge in Steinway. What truly makes my friend a perfect example of DIY is the accomplishments he and his family achieved without the help of any outside influence. He is making his way to the top by utilizing all available resources around him, to get more incite of what he is all about, listen to the mix tape “State Of Emergency” at http://streetsocialite.bandcamp.com/album/state-of-emergency On the mix tape you will find a collaboration of artists, like Branden, who are trying to make a name for themselves. This is just a taste of whats to come from the young rapper, straight out of Queens.


  1. Nice! Good illustration of breaking into the scene by creating something on your own that is at the same level of 'professional' artists. It's all about 'utilizing all available resources around' you.

  2. wow. Talk about independence and creativity. Definitely a DIY scenario.

  3. This definitely, portrays a sucessful DIY project. The illustration and indepedence of becoming an artist without going through the mainstream, promotes a source of encouragement and empowerment for others to be diligent and determined.
