Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Power of Art: Reaching Out to the Community

Would you call this Vandalism of public property or an innovative way to present Freedom of Religion?

Many of the videos that we have seen in the D.I.Y class, delineate grafitti artists, therefore I chose this video about another grafitti artist. However, this artist may not be equivalent to the ideal images of what we usually see. This is definitely a distinct individual that uses similar techniques and tools as any other "street-art artist" would, but Mohammed Ali conveys a very different message; the message of Islamic culture through the powers of art. I had chosen this article, for several reasons. One would be because Ali's ideas about engaging the community in something that is important to him, interlocks with the similar goals that I have for my D.I.Y final project. To show significant ideas that not many might not understand or appreciate through a technique that may be temporary but effective! Another reason was I wanted to terminate all stereotypes of grafitti artists. Many have images that these artists are just individuals that only seek for attention or adventure or simply wish to be rebellious. In addition, "Style Wars" discloses that many become suspicious when African American or Puerto Rican adolescents purchase cans of spray paint, because they conclude that only individuals from these ethnic backgrounds are grafitti artists. Therefore, this video depicts that anyone of any diverse background may have asthetic skills. DIY culture promotes individualism and it provides one with opportunities to independently become expressive. This video does portray that. Mohammed Ali's work, indeed is alarming along with many other pieces done by other artists. DIY culture depicts empowerment and pride.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting Rabiah. Interesting video and good post - cool that you found something that shares your interest of exploring perceptions of Islamic culture through street art. -- I changed to code and put the 'embedded' you tube code is so it shows up in the blog.
